Per Chan Gailey - Barring injury, Geno is Week 1 starter

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Unhappyjetsfan, May 20, 2015.


Did the CS make the right decision regarding Geno

  1. Yes - Geno was the only viable option at Qb so why not name his the starter and be done.

    19 vote(s)
  2. No- There should have been competition for the job. Geno should have had to earn it.

    35 vote(s)
  3. This is May. It doesn't matter what the CS says.

    33 vote(s)
  1. JoeyStylez

    JoeyStylez Banned

    Aug 19, 2003
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    He never made the SB as a starting QB. OMG he threw for over 300 yards twice? TWICE? Give that man a HOF bust pronto! Geno is only one behind him so surely that mean we are destined to see great passing numbers this year.

    Yeah I'm done hearing from you as well. Thanks for the laughs, Kordell.
  2. JoeyStylez

    JoeyStylez Banned

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Did you know right away that Nagle was gonna suck? Were you telling your friends after the season opener in 1992 "Nah, forget that great game, this guy is gonna suck. Mark my words!" Sure you did, pal. As for me, I was excited after that game, but didn't know how he was gonna turn out.

    I will admit I was wrong about Matt Leinart.
  3. JoeyStylez

    JoeyStylez Banned

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Here is why the coaching staff is right and you are wrong: it makes no sense to take away first team reps from a young QB who is leaning this offense and learning to work with a new #1 receiver. Fitz already knows the O and can step in right away if Geno falters or gets hurt. You go with the young guy who has potential over the vet who you already know has a low ceiling. Ask TB how starting McCown over Glennon worked out for them.

    Right now the Jet's best hopes to go anywhere are to give Geno every chance to succeed. They really have no other option right now.
  4. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Geno sucks ... and will continue to suck his entire career. Just like Sanchez before him. If my stating the obvious upsets delicate sensibilities? Such is my burdon. I've been a fan for thirty years and watched the same team make the same mistakes over and over and over again - my patience has worn thin. And while he might be the Jet's best hope, that's only the fault of the General Manager for not getting someone capable of competing with Geno to be the Jet's best hope. He had one job this offseason (Don't have a starting QB that performs in the Bottom 5) and so far the indication is he failed spectacularly. That's not my fault; that's on him and the coaching staff.

    I will now wait patiently while a Jets/Geno apologist storms in and informs me that Peyton Manning was not available for trade.

    Last year, the 16th highest QB rating in the league was Joe Flacco (91.0) and the 17th highest was Jay Cutler (88.6). So it's fair to say, a league-average starting QB rating is approximately 90. Well Geno has had a 90 rating (or better) 5 times in 30 games. FIVE TIMES!!! He's played above average five times. By comparison, Fitzpatrick (who also sucks - but is at least competent) surpassed a 90 rating five times last year in 12 games. He also had an above average QB rating last year (95). By further comparison, Kyle Orton (who also sucks - but is competent sometimes) also surpassed a 90 rating five times last year in 12 games. That's the difference between (a) having a bad quarterback, and (b) having the worst QB in the league who just destroys your chances of being competitive in most games. These are the first two guys I checked, btw.

    Anyone who wants to toss away a season (or even the pre-season) hoping the worst QB in the league (for two years) is going to suddenly become average is a fool, imho. The parity in this league is too great to just assume "well, we're gonna suck no matter what, we might as well let the invalid play and ruin the season."
    #504 Unhappyjetsfan, May 25, 2015
    Last edited: May 25, 2015
    Big Blocker, mgjetman22 and NYJetsO12 like this.
  5. RexontheBeach

    RexontheBeach Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I swear, some fans wouldn't be satisfied if Geno led us to our 2nd SB.
    Truth4U2 likes this.
  6. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    So you joined TGG but in your heart you couldn't care what opinions are voiced here.

    Instead you just want to be a FO homer and tell me you have a brain that functions. Thanks.

    Keep posting fuck what the fans think see how far that gets ya.
  7. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    "I truly believe I can run a team better than 90% of the fanbase" Sure.

    And probably 90% better of active GMs as well.

    And when is the next dose of your medication?
    FlaJet likes this.
  8. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    How about winning a game?
    FlaJet likes this.
  9. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    what? change your screen name.
  10. FlaJet

    FlaJet Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Rooting for this team since the NY Titans. Went to the first game in the Polo Grounds. Yes I am impatient this team has driven me to be that way. This whole thing is more about the announcement "no competition". I could see this if we had an incumbent QB who's has shown he can win and doesn't continually make the stupid mistakes. Geno has not. Anyone who has seen all of his games for my Jets (I did) have seen enough(for me a long time fan) to make an observation. He will have to win me over. I'm not so sure they have seen enough of his film. If they did (right or wrong) the wise thing should have been to proceed with caution, Putting all or most of your eggs in Geno's basket is asking to be criticize by a large portion of the fan base and the NY media. Your a new regime why go seeking bad media??
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  11. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    I have watched the Jets since 1968 including several games at Shea Stadium, losses to Pittsburgh and Baltimore with Jhonny Hector getting nowhere running the end around. I ve watched the mismanagement and poor coaching for ever and a day. White Shoes you should know better than to ask Namath era fans to be patient when we have been waiting for Hell to freeze over with this godforsaken team. GeNo is lazy and that is just getting reinforced. If he has that fragile an ego what are you doing in the NFL? Competing with the other QB and winning the job is how you improve your self confidence. In the business world Geno would be a headache for the HR dept and they would move on.

    This is all Chan Gaily at work here. Just like Idziks ego with the Geno draft pick we stick with it to the bloody end no matter what. Gaily talked himself into a job based on how he is going to run the offense with Smith the chosen one. Good for CG bad for TGG. If this pans out Gaily resurrects his 90s fame. That was along time ago and I am not holding my breath.

    Sorry to be a bit of a downer but I was very up and hopeful with our new FO and CS till this.
    boozer32 and FlaJet like this.
  12. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    You people (meaning you, BB, CMan, et. al) who are crying wolf, I think need to look at it from FO's perspective.
    You come to a new place and you've got no good QB. You drafted a backup (you broke leg, btw). You know for the moment you've got some leash. So... Do you start "competition"?
    What they are doing is simply the very last evaluation of Geno. Now he's got the personnel around him, system tailored by a good OC to his abilities. This is it. Last chance to show me, no more excuses. You either show me you have future, or you're out, kid.
    I wanted that for quite a while. Personally, I don't think Geno is good long term, but there always was a little of doubt: crappy OC, no one to pass to.
    FO is simply doing evaluation: let's see what we have.
  13. boozer32

    boozer32 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Let's see with my Sheldon Cooper response...sarcasm?
  14. boozer32

    boozer32 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    My sentiments exactly and I have been a fan for so long its time we have some good luck.
  15. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Explain to me how he is "lazy"?
  16. boozer32

    boozer32 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Attention to detail dude 3000 yards. Comprehenshion is a terrible thing to waste.
  17. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Geno threw for 3,000 yards in his rookie year. Big fucking deal.
  18. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    i get what you are saying in terms of upside.
    Smith's upside is still relatively unknown. so in a sense, as we do not entirely know what his upside is, i guess he has the higher ceiling.

    conversely though, he definitely has a lower floor as well.

    Fitz, even with a short ceiling, has the better chance of being an effective game manager.
    managing games isn't sexy, but with this defense, it can help us win games (or at least not lose games). that's something we haven't seen in quite some time.

    and while Fitz may be familiar with Gailey, this offense could end up quite different than what was run in Buffalo.
    he could also use the reps, and should be gaining chemistry with those WR's as well if he'll be thrust into action (a likely scenario). hard to be that effective game mgr without that chemistry or those reps.

    we have a shot at a playoff run this year.
    i'd hate to throw that away just to see if Geno has got it or not.
    if Geno earns the job, then great. i'm just disappointed they aren't even competing. If they decide on Geno too late, the entire season could be shot.........not to mention the bad message it sends to the rest of the team (who are competing), that the most important position will simply be annointed. it's a message that could lose the locker room should Geno faulter.
    there should be a competition, with the best QB starting.
    FlaJet likes this.
  19. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Oh Iam sorry I meant to say lazy, not to bright, selfish, and rude: forgets team meetings, not exactly a gym rat, poor decisions on field, eats food during a game, and mouths off to stewardess on airline. Great leadership material.
  20. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I've been a fan longer than you and most fans on this board. I'm 55 years old and have been a die hard fan since 1966. Ive had season tickets since 1981 and have as time and emotion vested in this team as any fan. I've been waiting a long time too. But that doesn't mean the formula for winning changes, and it doesn't automatically mean I want Fitz over Smith. The Jets will exist beyond 2015. Casting Smith aside for Fitz is short sighted. QB competitions are media created BS that don't really exist in the NFL outside the Jets awful media, who cry and piss and moan for one every season. Let's see what Smith can do with the new CS. What's the harm? if he stinks, replace him. Is Fitz the LNG term answer for the Jets? Absolutely not. So why dick around with him? He's a stop gap journeyman who,is an ideal back up. If one 8-9 win season in 2015 gives you the jollies while the team continues to look for a QB in 2016 and forward, you are not thinking. The Jets won 8 games in 2013 with Smith. I'm frankly tired of wild card seasons and playoff losses and not having a home playoff game since 2002. I want more and more comes with finding a QB. Smith deserves one more shot with a HC who cares about the entire team and not just defense.

    We had 6 years of Ryan and he screwed up two young QBs. I don't want 3-4 years of retreads leading to mediocrity at best. The league is too offensively focused to win based on defense and running. This team has weapons on offense for the first time in 10+ years. Let's see what Smith can do with them. He'll have a short leash.
    slimjasi and elgoman like this.

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